Rugby is in die DNA van PRG

Daardie laaste honderd treë van die verhoog na die deur van die saal onder die ritmiese applous wat net by ‘n seunskool gehoor sal word, moes seker vir PRG se uittredende adjunk-rektor Frans van Niekerk ‘n bittersoet moment in sy lewe gewees het. Hoe hy regop gebly het en of hy deur emosie oorweldig is, is vrae wat net hy kan antwoord.

But one thing is for certain, as pointed out in Nils Flaaten, OBU chairman’s video message, Frans made huge imprints on the schools’s academic and sport record in the more than 35 years that he served here as teacher, also on Nils’ and other Old Boys’ lives. “Jy het ‘n legende geword!”

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Chairman’s letter / Voorsittersboodskap

Time to share

Farewell to Frans van Niekerk

Full programme for term

With our mass reunion and several class reunions just around the corner, an exciting new quarter awaits us. Hope to see as many of you there as possible.

Welcome also to the new life and year members who recently joined us. The more of us there are, the stronger our alma mater becomes and the team spirit that is so essential to success.

Continue reading Chairman’s letter / Voorsittersboodskap

Frans se afskeidswoorde na meer as 35 jaar

Adjunk-rektor Frans van Niekerk het met ‘n inspirerende boodskap by sy laaste saalbyeenkoms die tuig by Paul Roos Gimnasium neergelê. Ons plaas dit onveranderd:

Niël du Toit (PRG-onderwyser van 1968 – 1973) het einde Januarie vir Frans van Niekerk kom groet en erkenning gegee vir die toewyding waarmee sy loopbaan gekenmerk was. Du Toit het op Kuruman vir Van Niekerk skool gehou.

Vandag, Woensdag 31 Januarie is amptelik die laaste dag van my 42 jaar onderwysloopbaan waarvan ek 35 jaar en 8 maande by Paul Roos betrokke was. Nou pak ek amptelik my nuwe beroep as pensioenaris aan.

Blykbaar is dit die gevaarlikste beroep in die wêreld. Niemand het dit nog ooit oorleef nie!

Continue reading Frans se afskeidswoorde na meer as 35 jaar

PRG Foundation reports on its activities

More than R1,3 million was spent in 2023 by the PRG Foundation, mostly to provide scholarships, bursaries, awards and loans for study, research and teaching. 

Money was also allocated to develop and promote sports (in particular rugby) and recreation, mainly for the benefit of previously disadvantaged children, and to provide related facilities.

Continue reading PRG Foundation reports on its activities

Unrehabilitated “terrorist” fought against injustice right to the end

The passing of Old Boy Stephen Johannes (Steve) Marais (1974), anti-apartheid activist, writer, translator, eco-socialist warrior and gardener, on 18 March 2024 in Johannesburg, brough back memories of an era long past and showed how Paul Roos Gymnasium helped to shape South African history in different ways.

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SA Rugby Mag features Paul Roos Gymnasium

As part of the Vodacom United Rugby Championship (URC) Origin Rounds the SA Rugby Mag looked at some of the famous local rugby schools that have produced DHL Stormers over the years.

The idea of #GrassrootsToGreatness was to celebrate the communities and people who helped launch the careers of hundreds of rugby players and coaches. In the spotlight were the identities of the clubs, schools and communities that have done an incredible job of giving children the chance to first pick up a rugby ball and guide the lucky few good enough to reach the elite level.

On February 14, 2024 Paul Roos Gymnasium was featured.

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PRG first team aims to echo school’s legacy in 2024

By Willem Louw in ssschoolsplus/Rugby/Featured Rugby/News at 2024/03/13

With an illustrious 158 year rugby heritage, each season holds a profound significance for the Paul Roos Gimnasium first XV.

Named in honour of the captain of the first South African touring side in 1906, Paul Roos. This was also the first side to be called the Springboks.

Continue reading PRG first team aims to echo school’s legacy in 2024

Only a photo to confirm that all went well at the cricket festival

The PRG Old Boys Cricket Festival took place at the PRG Oval on 8 and 9 March 2024. The only feedback the Old Boys News Blog received of these two days of thrilling cricket, exciting activities, and sumptuous food stalls, was this photo. But it is clear that the event was thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you to the event sponsor, Jansen Pure Beef, and the team sponsors: PKF, Fairtree, Riverside Orchards, SAC, CH Building Supplies, Capepots (Fresh Produce Prepacking and Supplies) and Somerset Sand & Stone. 

Braam preek vir bekeerdes

Dr Braam Hanekom (1977) is gevra om op Maandag 15 Januarie 2024 ‘n boodskap van bemoediging aan die personeel van die Paul Roos Gimnasium by die aanvang van die nuwe skooljaar te lewer. Hy het verskeie Old Boys in hul geledere aangetref. By Braam (derde van links) staan Aydon Topley (2016), Dorfling Terblanche (2008), Brink Nelson (2006), Ben Puddu (2001) en Luan van der Vyver (2015).

Massa-reünie-naweek gaan vanjaar besonders gewild wees

Kom kuier vanjaar saam met jou klasgroep wanneer verskeie reünies saamval met die jaarlikse massa-reünie op 19 April 2024 in die PRG-sentrum.  Dit beloof om ‘n heel gepaste naweek vir kameraadskap en geborgendheid te wees aangesien dit ook die naweek is waartydens PRG en HJS  kragte sal meet. 

Kliek hier vir meer inligting

Koop jou Dinee-kaartjie hier:

Die volgende klasgroepe is besig om hul reünie-reëlings te tref:

1958 (66 jaar)19 AprilJohan de Villiers
1959, 1960 & 196112 – 13 MaartGawie Eksteen
1964 (60 jaar)18 – 19 AprilEdward  Smuts
1974 (50 jaar)17 – 19 April Hugo Truter
1979 (45 jaar)16 – 17 AugustusQuinten Smit
1984 (40 jaar)19 – 20 JulieAndré Cilliers
1994 (30 jaar) 18 – 19 AprilDean Venter
2004 (20 jaar) 18 – 19 AprilPhilip Venter
2009 (15 jaar)16 – 17 AugustusJohan Conradie
2014 (10 jaar)15 – 17 AugustusCalvin Nell

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